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The minimum connecting time between two flights is 45 minutes.

With or without an onward boarding pass, you must check in at the Transfer Check-in Desks located in the Arrival Immigration Hall.

Proceed to the Immigration counter located between the Transfer Check-in Desks.

You are required to undergo security screening and have your hand luggage x-rayed.  Follow the steps below for a hassle-free experience:

  • Place LAGs (liquids, aerosols and gels) in a clear re-sealable plastic bag.  LAGs exceeding 100ml are not allowed in hand luggage.
  • Any LAGs purchased at the airport of original embarkation or on board of the incoming flight packed in Security Tamper Evident Bag (STEB) shall be accepted subject to the following:
  • The STEB is as per ICAO requirement.
  • You must show proof of purchase with the receipt affixed on the STEB.
  • The bag does not show any indication of tampering or is opened.
  • The bag may be subjected to additional screening to detect traces of explosives.
  • If you have high heel shoes, a jacket or a belt with a metal buckle, please remove and place in a security tray.
  • Remove your laptop, tablet and/or smartphone and metallic objects from your hand luggage and place in a separate security tray.  Knives, scissors, nail cutters, etc. are not allowed in hand luggage.
  • Present your passport and boarding pass to the Security Officer.
  • Proceed through the walkthrough metal detector. Please note that you may further be required to undergo an enhanced security screening process.

If you still have some spare time before boarding your flight, do Shop, Eat and Enjoy!

Note: Shopping restrictions may apply.         SSR International Airport - Need to claim VAT Refund Know more

Be at your boarding gate at least 30 minutes before departure time.

Keep your boarding pass and passport ready.

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